Why is nursing jobs in Germany booming today: Discover 8 reasons that will transform your nursing career.

nurse in germany

Becoming an international nurse is the end goal for the majority of nurses. They are rightly thinking when they plan on developing their nursing career abroad.  Nursing jobs abroad offer high salaries, more benefits, improved lifestyle, better working conditions, the list goes on. 

Germany is one such great option that nurses can consider. On top of being one of the top 10 highest paying countries for nurses, Germany offers everything and more that a nurse desires in their jobs abroad. 

The current scenario of geriatric care as well as general healthcare in Germany points to a huge gap in nursing professionals. By 2025, approximately 15,0000 nurses are needed to fill this shortage based on the reports from the German Federal Employment Agency. And Global Nurse Force is committed to delivering the best for our healthcare partners in Germany and contributing efforts to bridge this gap.

Here’s a comprehensive blog that gives you a preview of the wonderful benefits that makes Germany one of the best options for foreign nurses. Keep reading till the end to discover more about job opportunities in Germany.

nurse in germany

8 reasons that makes Germany a best option for nurses


Germany has a larger than average healthcare spending. Owing to this, German healthcare systems are able to provide attractive salary packages to nurses. Nurses wanting to work in Germany can expect competitive salaries. International nurses are paid the same as nurses native to the country.  

A foreign nurse who enters the country will be first assigned the title of assistant nurse and will be offered around EUR 2,700 monthly. After the homologation process is successfully completed the nurses will be professionally recognized and offered a monthly salary of EUR 3,100. 

Nurses with more than 10 years of experience can expect to earn EUR 4,000 per month. It is important to note that a nurse’s salary will differ based on the location, education, and experience. Nurses are also allowed extra pay for overtime as well. 

Working hours

Foreign nurses in Germany typically work between 38 and 40 hours per week, which is generally considered a reasonable workload. This is significantly less than the long hours often required in other countries, such as the United States and the United Kingdom. The shorter workweek in Germany is a result of strong labor laws and a cultural emphasis on work-life balance. 

Compared to countries where nurses routinely work 12-hour shifts or more, German nurses often have more predictable and manageable schedules. This allows them to maintain a healthy work-life balance, engage in personal pursuits, and enjoy leisure activities. While there may be occasional instances of overtime, it is generally not as extensive or demanding as in other countries.

Annual paid leaves 

Foreign nurses in Germany enjoy generous annual paid leave entitlements . By law, full-time employees, including nurses, are entitled to a minimum of 20 working days of paid leave per year. However, many employers offer more than the statutory minimum, with 24 to 30 days of vacation being common.

The other types of leaves include sick leave, maternity leave, parental leave, career’s leave, force majeure’s leave and bereavement leave. During all of these leaves, employees are given regular pay. 

Family reunion visa 

Foreign nurses in Germany can apply for a family reunion visa for their immediate family members, such as spouses and dependent children, after obtaining a residence permit for their own employment. 

The processing time for family reunion visas in Germany can vary depending on individual circumstances. The family reunification process starts after 6 months of the nurse’s arrival. It might take around 6-8 more months for the process to be successfully completed. 

 It is generally considered to be relatively efficient compared to some other countries. This relatively shorter processing time allows families to be reunited more quickly, reducing the stress and separation associated with immigration procedures.

To learn more about the German visa process, contact our visa experts today. 

Spouse/partner can work 

Spouses or partners of foreign nurses in Germany can generally start working immediately upon arrival, without needing a separate work permit. This means that they can begin seeking employment opportunities as soon as they have settled into the country. The ability to work without a separate work permit is often a benefit associated with family reunion visas in Germany. 

Their earning potential solely depends on factors such as their qualifications, experience, and the specific job they obtain. However, Germany’s labor market generally offers competitive wages, and with the right skills and qualifications, spouses or partners can find well-paying positions.

Free education for children

Children of foreign nurses in Germany are eligible for free education at public schools. This means that they can access high-quality education without significant financial costs. Germany’s public education system is renowned for its rigorous standards and excellent facilities, providing children with a strong foundation for their academic and personal development.

By attending German schools, children of foreign nurses have the opportunity to learn the German language fluently, which can be a valuable asset for their future. They also have access to a wide range of extracurricular activities and programs, fostering their interests and talents. The education they receive in Germany can open doors to numerous opportunities, including higher education at German universities and successful careers in various fields.

German citizenship 

German citizenship can be obtained through various pathways, including naturalization, marriage, or descent. For foreign nurses who have lived in Germany for a certain period of time and meet specific requirements, naturalization is a common route to citizenship. These requirements typically include having a permanent residence permit, sufficient German language proficiency, and good moral character.

The specific eligibility criteria for naturalization can vary depending on individual circumstances and the length of residence in Germany. However, foreign nurses who have lived and worked in the country for a substantial period, integrated into German society, and contributed to the economy may be eligible to apply for citizenship after a 5-6 years. 

nurse in germany

Retirement & pension 

Foreign nurses in Germany are generally eligible for retirement benefits and pension plans, similar to German citizens. The specific system that applies will depend on whether they are employed in the public or private sector. For those working in the public sector, retirement benefits are often provided through a state pension system, which may involve mandatory contributions from both the employee and the employer. In the private sector, retirement benefits may be offered through company pension plans or individual retirement savings accounts. 

These plans can vary in terms of the contributions required and the benefits they provide. It’s important for foreign nurses to understand the different options available to them and to plan for their retirement accordingly. By contributing to pension plans and taking advantage of available retirement benefits, foreign nurses can ensure a comfortable financial future after their working years.

Explore Nursing Job Opportunities in Germany 

A nursing career in Germany is a sure shot path to ensuring a financially secure and upgraded life. Global Nurse Force, in its 20 years of service, has upheld the fulfillment of our nurse’s dreams. Nurses come to us with hopes of a better life, in terms of their career, opportunities for their family. A nursing job in Germany, we believe, is a bright start for our nurses. 

With hope comes the concerns whether nurses are eligible for global opportunities. Global Nurse Force is here to answer every one of your queries. To learn more about minimum requirements, nursing jobs, German language coaching, visa assistance, relocation support, connect with us today itself!

Why is nursing jobs in Germany booming today: Discover 8 reasons that will transform your nursing career.
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